“Tuesday’s Gone with the wind…”

Wednesday 04.02.08 Posted by: Mebz

I thought I would continue the song title trend that Millie started yesterday.  So, first I give you a little Lynyrd Skynyrd for your listening pleasure as you enjoy the images I have for you.

Press play:

It is shaping up to be a busy week on the John King front.  Which is nice since last week was rather sparse.  JK was pulling a double shift yeasterday as well as Monday- The Situation Room and 360.  A few Sit. Room screen caps.




My personal favorite:


Rock on, my fellow John King fans, rock on.  I will see you again on Friday!  “Tuesday’s gone with the wind….”


Filed under Election 2008, Guest Hosting

2 responses to ““Tuesday’s Gone with the wind…”

  1. Millie

    How appropriate the title. You know I am a “Windie” – a HUGE gone with the wind fan!!!!

  2. acanderfan

    Nice screencaps Mebz 😀

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