Tag Archives: Star Wars

May The Force Be With You

Wednesday, 04.23.08 Posted By Millie

Ok so another Primary has come and gone… and the question begs to be asked, well now what? This is really getting to be like a weird episode of the Twilight Zone… seriously, can the Dems keep on going like this for the next several months? I am no political expert and I am just giving my humble opinion, but it seems like someone, somewhere, could come to a “gentleman’s agreement” on how to move forward. Ok let me be politically correct as there is a woman running for President: “Gentlepersons Agreement”…

AC pointed out a great link yesterday from a New York Times Article about John. It was a intresting article, because we rarely get to read something about John that delves into a bit more detail. Of course from the very beginning on, we’ve always known John is a very private person, but it is still nonetheless interesting to find out a little more about our favorite CNN reporter/substitute anchor/magic map master.

And check out the picture posted along with that article:

This would be a great submission for “Beat 360”. My caption would be, “Hey, don’t shoot the messenger.”

I’ve mentioned in passing before that I LOVE Star Wars. ANY reference to Star Wars just puts a smile on my face. So I was tickled pink when the NY Times author wrote “his bosses paired him with a device that would become the C-3PO to his Luke Skywalker.” John, May The Force Be With You!!!

Mebz stated in the comments of yesterday’s post that she does not follow American Idol so she has no idea who Jason Castro is. Well, Mebz, there are only two singers whose crooning voices give me goosebumps.


and B:

Here is a YouTube video of Jason’s performance last night… after which he later made a mad dash in his limo to catch our primary party. Let’s hope he gets sent to the “safe” chair tonight!

Happy Wednesday everyone and take care!


Filed under Election 2008, Entertainment, Just For Fun

Switching Gears, Star Wars Style

Saturday, 9.22.07 

Well, since my last several posts were all about London, and since I don’t know when or where John will surface back in the good ol’ US of A, think I will switch gears today.

There has been some recent talk lately about Dick Cheney being compared to Darth Vader. But as I will mention in a bit, it really isn’t all that recent.

First this though: Even Hillary Clinton, just a few days ago, made a now-widely-circulated quip about “Darth Vader Cheney”:

And you just gotta love the creativity of the guy who made this short video:

Actually did you know that Cheney himself first started talking about the Vader comparison to none other than John? Take a look at this picture:

That was the day John interviewed Cheney back in June of 2006. The interview and picture can be found at  the official White House website. So all this Darth Cheney stuff really isn’t that recent after all.

If you click on the White House link above and scroll down a bit, you can read the part of the interview where John asks about Cheney’s public image and demeanor:

“Q: I want to close by asking you a few question about yourself and your image, and one of them flows from that. As you know, some of your old friends say, where is the Dick Cheney, the sarcastic Dick Cheney, the practical joker Dick Cheney. And your critics say, Dick Cheney has become this dark, nefarious force in the administration that believes in secrecy at all price, that believes congressional oversight is a nuisance. True?

THE VICE PRESIDENT: Well, I don’t think I’ve changed any. I think I have been very consistent over time. I think, partly, it’s important to remember how significant 9/11 was. And we are now engaged in a constant effort, obviously, to protect the nation against further attack.

That means we need good intelligence. It means there have to be national security secrets. It means we need to be able to go after and capture or kill those people who are trying to kill Americans. That’s not a pleasant business. It’s a very serious business. And I suppose people sometimes look at my demeanor and say, well, he’s the Darth Vader of the administration.”

Let me say, I LOVE Star Wars, especially Revenge of the Sith – love, love, love it – so all this comical stuff circulating around the web is really making for some amusing internet finds lately.

Who says politics has to be dull?


Filed under Just For Fun, Political Interviews