Monthly Archives: July 2007

Oh, L’Amour

Tuesday, 07.31.07 

Earlier today I blogged about the fact that John is a self-proclaimed private individual, which is something that no one can really blame him for.  

But every now and then some personal information surfaces that just can’t be avoided. The Washington Post recently brought to light some John King information, which you can read here.  It regards John coming forward about dating Congressional Correspondent Dana Bash.

The Washington Post blurb does not elaborate, and johnthenewsking does not wish to speculate regarding such a private matter, either.  While it caught most of us at the yahoo group by surprise, it is, however, something we felt was relevant enough to be included as a mention here at our site. 

Out of respect for John and Dana,  johnthenewsking will not post any further blog entries about their courtship.

If you would like to leave a comment, please be considerate.  Inappropriate remarks will not be tolerated and promptly removed.


Filed under General Discussion

“A Real Bostonian”

Tuesday, 07.31.07

Ok, for those of you who are loyal John King admirers, you know how hard it is to come across interesting tidbits of information about our favorite CNN reporter’s background. Granted, he is a self-proclaimed private person – which is something he should absolutely be respected for. However, while details can sometimes be found in a snippet here or snippet there, we’re pretty much limited to basic information we find at places such as his official CNN bio.

So imagine my surprise when I found this piece from The Dorchester Reporter dated July 5, 2007, which mentions, among other things, the name of the grammar school he attended. The little article needs no further introduction, as it speaks for itself!



Filed under General Discussion

Just The Caps, Ma’am… Just The Caps

Tuesday, 07.31.07

I am really digging the ladies over at All Things Anderson and All Things CNN. They are funny, honest, clever and just plain smart. Their content isn’t full of fluff – they take their blogging seriously, and have a sincere passion about highlighting Anderson Cooper’s work in a postive and upbeat manner.

Having started up this blog myself, I now know what an undertaking this kind of work is! Yeah, it’s a lot of work, but heck, when the material you are covering is John King, it doesn’t seem like work. Ooops! I forgot…. I had stopped gushing at the end of Sunday’s post. How easily one forgets.

But I digress.

I totally cracked up the other day when I read ATA’s post about crime and punishment.

There is a long row of screencaps taken from last Friday’s AC360 program, highlighting the various reporters who contributed to the stories which aired that evening. Then, all of the sudden:


I don’t know why, but that just really tickled my funny bone. Inserting an Anderson screencap just for the sake of… well, inserting a yummy screencap!

Thus, today I will piggyback on that thought. This morning’s blog is solely for the purpose of gratuitous John King screencapping. All the still shots below were taken from last week’s programming.

The first series is courtesy of Mebz, who notes that these are from CNN International, where John’s official title is “Chief US Correspondent”.

The second series is courtesy of Kitten.

Enjoy the gratuitous-ness!











Filed under Just For Fun

2002 Interview With Dick Cheney And Shelbinator’s Video Gap

Sunday, 07.29.07

CNN’s video section recently added an archived video from 2002 in which John is seen talking to Vice President Cheney about his (Cheney’s) pacemaker. They’ve included this segment in light of the current story about Cheney’s operation to have his pacemaker battery re-charged.

Here are a few videocaps from the 2002 Cheney interview.





In the last five years, you can definately tell how John has since changed, but IMHO he looked good then and looks good now! Heck – in five, ten, even fifteen more years, John will still be as suave as ever. Maybe with a full head of white hair, but suave nonetheless.


Ok, I’m done gushing now.

Moving on…

I had asked Shebinator about the gap in his video interview with John King. He wrote:

“Sadly, the missing footage was due to a classic newbie screwup, and it was exactly the footage I wanted most of all: John was talking about Biden having a good night, as many people said that night. I had rewound the tape in the camera to show some of the Biden staffers, and then the Senator started moving again and we rushed over and someone said ‘Film this if you can’ and I just instinctively hit record, taping over part of the King footage. It took me about 20 seconds to figure out what I was doing and hit stop. What you missed was, in general, that he thought Biden did well because this more relaxed question format let him come through as the Democratic counterpart to McCain, i.e., the ‘straight-talker.’ King erroneously suggested that Biden got more time that night, whereas according to the Dodd Clock, he only got about 6:30 Monday whereas he had closer to 8:00 in the first debate, so that sucked. And King wrapped up with a general ‘I think the Biden campaign can be confident they had a pretty good night — now, whether this turns into any results in the polls, other candidates have more of a structural advantage, in terms of fundraising, but overall Biden did well.’ Or something like that.”

Shelbinator posted that portion from his live stream at YouTube. The audio has a lot of echo from the indoor conversations, hence the subtitles.

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Filed under Election 2008

Clip With Why Tuesday

Saturday, 07.28.07 

Here is another citizen reporter, Why Tuesday, who also speaks with John at the YouTube debate.  It is a short clip, and starts at 1:12 (7:04  on the reverse timer). 

For all the Anderson fans out there, the video starts out with a little impromptu conversation with Mr. Cooper!

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Filed under Election 2008